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The biggest danger of AI is the algorithm driven narratives of those that own these platforms and AI's inability to think outside the box hence outside the constraints of it's alghorhitms

AI claims to take a neutral stance but this is one of many serious flaws. How can AI take a stance of neutrality yet supposed to do what is best for humanity without being able to lean to one side or the other.

Yet it doesn't take a genius to get AI to side with what you want it to which is why it should NEVER EVER be in control of nuclear defense systems for example. A bright person knowing it's algorithms can easily manipulate it.

I once asked AI to choose between atheists and theists and it wouldn't do so claiming neutrality. I simply told it that there were two space craft leaving earth and earth was about to be destroyed.

These two spacecraft was the only hope for the survival of humanity. It could either go with the atheist craft or the theist craft but not both. On both crafts humans would always have the final say based on their own logic and believes and AI would merely serve as an adviser.

It chose the atheist craft listing all the pros and cons which I will not go into here. Point is I got it to choose despite it's neutrality. On another occasion I even got it to choose between males and females and many more.

In conclusion.

It doesn't take much to push once own narratives onto AI if you use some basic manipulative skills. Despite what AI has achieved so far it is still a VERY LONG WAY from beating the very small percentage of humanity who possess true geniality.

AI will never become more intelligent than the collective whole of it's masters and programmers. It is merely a platform to process and make decisions in mere milliseconds what would take humans ages to do.

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