Manifestation. Yes I do it daily for car parking spots and it seems to work. But I’m reluctant to do it for material goods unless I really NEED something, rather than just desire it. I also do it for healing.

Priming. Yes, I/we experience that every day online. Repetitious ads and constantly repeated ‘info.’

We are all well primed these days to keep buying more and more stuff. And to only think in a certain media or politically curated way. Very interesting to learn this happens because of our clever little reticular activating system. Hmm…. Roseann

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Hi Joel, I wonder if this is the same way Confirmation Bias works in the brain? e.g., does our brain repeatedly confirm a belief (even if it’s misguided) because it is under a similar process of ‘focus of attention’, priming and, therefore, ‘manifestation’?

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Could the reticular mechanism be responsible for waking one up from a nights sleep a minute or so before an alarm is set the night before?

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huh interesting, I'd say it plays a role in that, but not solely responsible no.

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